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DIY Mosquito Repellent

Updated: Apr 7

Keep Bugs at Bay the Natural Way: DIY Mosquito Repellent for Families

Medical Disclaimer: ***I am not a physician, doctor, or medical assistant. I am merely a mom and wife who wants to provide safe alternateives to wellness support. All recipes, DIYS, and findings are from my own years of research and testing using natural products within my own home first, then my circle of people. Please consult your medical professional if you are looking for a diagnosis or cure. The findings here are given with the intent to support a natural way of life and to aid in our everyday health and wellness journey.***

A boy scratching mosquito bites

Do you or your little ones ever come back from the garden with an unwelcome souvenir—a swollen, itchy mosquito bite? You're not alone. In many places, stepping outside means entering a battleground where mosquitoes reign supreme. While these blood-sucking pests are a nuisance, my mission is to beat them at their own game using a safe, natural solution.

Depending on where you live, you may be like me and experiencing that at this current moment. If I so much as take one step outside right now I am hit with a wall of mosquitoes. If I step into the yard - you better believe that they are now a swarm. Mosquitoes have to be up there on my top 3 LEAST favorite creatures on this plannet. I am not sure why we have them, as I have not seen any good things come from mosquitoes - BUT - that wasn't my doing :) For now - all I can do is beat them at their game! ... warmer weather unfolds, so does the unwelcome buzz of mosquitoes. While these tiny pests are a natural part of our ecosystem, their bites are anything but pleasant. More than an itchy annoyance, mosquitoes can carry health risks, making it crucial for families to protect themselves. But how do we do so without exposing our loved ones to harsh chemicals found in many commercial repellents? The answer lies in the heart of nature and the potency of essential oils.

The worst part is - when the kiddo gets covered in welts and is miserable. I can handle a few bites and know how to not scratch until oblivion, but when the kids get covered in bites - seeing them miserable makes me feel miserable too - that I did not protect them or prevent them from being eaten alive. And when you have a kiddo that LOVES to be outdoors, it is hard to see them struggle with the mosquitos.

So - what do we do when the mosquitoes go haywire for a season? We grab our natural essential oils, of course!


BUT FIRST....Let's answer this question!

Why Go Natural?

A girl working outdoors after using natural mosquito spray

..........this image to the left (my tiniest of three kiddos)..... this is why!!! Let's protect our kids, our families, and ourselves from the preservatives, toxins, and hidden chemicals that are in many of the everyday products we have easy access to. Our kids are our future and we want to protect them and give them the best while we can..... (now I have that off of my is a more politically correct reason ;)

The answer lies in safeguarding our families—our children, pets, and ourselves—from the hidden chemicals in many commercial repellents. Natural solutions are not only safe but also effective, providing peace of mind and protection without the side effects of synthetic ingredients like DEET.

While DEET has been a popular ingredient in mosquito repellents for decades (I used it growng up before I knew about natural options), growing concerns have surfaced about its safety and environmental impact. Studies have linked DEET to skin irritations, adverse neurological effects in high concentrations, and potential harm to wildlife and water sources. Similarly, other over-the-counter mosquito repellents often contain synthetic chemicals like permethrin, which can pose risks to both human health and the environment. These substances may be effective at repelling pests, but their potential side effects and environmental damage prompt many to seek safer, natural alternatives. By choosing natural mosquito repellents, we protect not just ourselves and our families but also the delicate balance of our ecosystems.


Natural essential oils that are good for mosquito repellent

The Power of Essential Oils

We use oils ALL THE TIME in our home and our kiddos know they they WORK!!!

In our natural repellent, each essential oil is chosen not just for its scent but for its ability to ward off mosquitoes. Here's a breakdown of the powerhouse oils in our DIY mosquito repellent:

  • Lemon Eucalyptus: The star of our blend, lemon eucalyptus oil, is celebrated for its high efficacy in repelling mosquitoes, rivaling even DEET in its protective abilities.

  • Lemongrass: Its bright, citrusy aroma is more than just uplifting; lemongrass oil is a potent mosquito repellent, keeping pests at bay with its vibrant scent.

  • Eucalyptus: Known for its crisp, clean fragrance, eucalyptus oil adds another layer of protection, reinforcing our shield against mosquitoes.

  • Cedarwood: With its warm, woodsy scent, cedarwood oil acts as a natural deterrent to mosquitoes, inviting peace and calm to your outdoor moments.

  • Peppermint: This oil brings a cool, refreshing vibe to the blend. Besides its invigorating scent, peppermint oil is disliked by mosquitoes, making it an excellent addition to our repellent.

  • Tea Tree: Renowned for its medicinal properties, tea tree oil not only helps in repelling mosquitoes but can also soothe and disinfect the skin in case of bites.

DIY Mosquito Repellant Ingredients Needed:

What You'll Need:

  • A 2 oz glass spray bottle

  • Witch Hazel (to fill most of the bottle, leaving about 1/2 inch headspace)

  • 10 drops of Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

  • 8 drops of Lemongrass Oil

  • 8 drops of Eucalyptus Oil

  • 5 drops of Cedarwood Oil

  • 5 drops of Peppermint Oil

  • 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil

Instructions for DIY Spray:

  1. Prepare your bottle: Fill your 2 oz glass spray bottle with witch hazel, leaving about a half-inch of space at the top for your essential oils.

  2. Add the oils: Carefully drop in your Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Peppermint, and Tea Tree oils into the bottle.

  3. Shake to blend: Once all the oils are added, secure the spray top and give the bottle a vigorous shake. This helps to thoroughly mix the oils with the witch hazel, ensuring an even distribution.

  4. Ready for use: Your homemade mosquito repellent is now ready! Shake well before each use. Spray generously on exposed skin and clothing, avoiding the eyes and mouth area, for natural and effective protection against mosquitoes.

Want to know why I use witch hazel as the base?

Incorporating witch hazel into this DIY mosquito repellent not only aids in dispersing the essential oils but also adds a layer of skin care, enhancing the repellent's soothing and refreshing qualities. It's a natural, gentle ingredient that supports the effectiveness and user experience of your blend, and it acts as a natural preservative to help this blend stay fresh for longer use during the mosquito season.


When I first crafted the recipe I didn't have any fancy dancy labels - I just used a sticky note and tape becuase I seriously needed to get back in that infested garden and do some planting! You can use your own fancy sticky note or you can grab this set of labels for free here too. Granted - you will only need one, but it you have Avery label sheets they fit perfect on the 2X2 sizing and then you just print one label and save the rest for later :)

woman in garden on a spring day working hard
2 oz bottle with DIY mosquito repellent

What do I love most about this blend?!?

I LOVE that I can use this on my littles and not worry at all about any harmful side effects. I LOVE that it works, and I LOVE that it is a NATURAL option! Do I LOVE the smell? Ummmmm..... that lemon eucalyptus is a bit strong, but you get used to it - and again - it WORKS! Weirdly enough, my son (13 year old) actually really enjoys the smell of the lemon eucalyptus on its own, so this one is right up his alley😄😆😂


What ages is this safe for?

I have used this on my own children safely with ages 2+ (I would leave out the peppermint essential oil if you are using it on ages 2-4). If your child has never used essential oils before I would do a skin patch test first.... to make sure there is not going to be any reactions to any of the oils before you spray more fully.

Unfortunately for the babies there is not an oil that stands as strong for mosquito repellent. The best choice for these littles is lavender. It does have some repelling properties, but is also a safe and gentle choice for the babies. It will also help soothe the skin if any of those peskly critters bite our well protected babies.

DIY Baby-Safe Mosquito Repellent Recipe:

  • Base: 4 oz of witch hazel or diluted apple cider vinegar

  • Essential Oils (choose one or a combination):

  • Lavender Essential Oil: 2 drops

  • Chamomile Essential Oil: 2 drops

  • Preparation:

  1. Combine the witch hazel or diluted apple cider vinegar with the essential oils in a spray bottle.

  2. Shake well before each use.

  3. Spray lightly on baby’s clothes and surroundings, avoiding direct skin application if under 6 months old.

Important Essential Oil Safety Tips:

  • Skin Patch Test: Always perform a patch test on a small area of the baby’s skin to check for any adverse reactions before widespread use.

  • Consultation: Consult with a pediatrician before using any essential oil-based repellents on infants, especially if they are under 6 months old.

  • Direct Application: If applying a repellent directly to a child’s skin (for those over 6 months), ensure it is diluted properly. Avoid hands, eyes, mouth, and any broken skin.

  • Diffusion: Instead of direct application, consider using essential oils in a diffuser to keep mosquitoes away from baby’s room or play area.

  • Clothing and Gear: For added protection, apply the repellent to baby’s clothing, stroller, and other gear instead of direct skin application.

***If needing a mosquito repellent for your domestic animals - safer essential oil choices are lavender and cedarwood. You can use the above dilution ratio for babies for your animals with a diluted apple cider vinegar base and add in your lavender or cedarwood essential oils to help protect those fur babies from these pests (cedarwood would be a better choice for cats, and both cedarwood and lavender are safe for dogs in small amounts and diluted)***


Are you ready to make your own?!? Seriously - it is so simple once you have those oils on hand. If you can't get all of them right now, I would highly suggest you start with the three most densly used: the lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, and the cedarwood oils! And the best thing is that you are only using a VERY SMALL amount of the oils from the bottle so you can make more product many times over with the oil you have left - wahoo!!!! (another awesome thing about oils - they go a LOOONG way!!!) BUT if you are able - that peppermint is SOOO good to have on hand for cleansing the air, helping to ease headaches, and for adding to room sprays for the spring. The tea tree - is a supurb oil to use straight on the skin to help with bug bites and wound care :) These oils are all amazing additions to your natural medicine cabinet!

Go grab the links above if you need to access to these oils or need some spray bottles to keep on hand (those spray bottles are REALLY handy to keep for other items like room sprays, hair detanglers, spot treatments for laundry, face toners.... all kinds of goodies ).

***Disclaimer: I do earn a small commission off of any links you click and purchase from.***

All links provided are to products I have USED and TESTED and ABSOLUTELY LOVE.

And don't' forget to grab this handy dandy label if you want a simple but cute printable label for that bottle!

natural mosquito repellent label

That's it for today you guys! Have fun in the making and remember:

-Enjoy the journey!



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